Broken Friendship
Friendships are hard to keep
Friendships are easy to lose
Every night I wept
And drank a lot of booze
I drank till I blacked out
And dreamt of broken dreams
Trying to see in the bottom of the glass the truth
But could only find the hurt, the doubt
Still, I tried to see fate's schemes
Wondering, will I find my other half?
Where nobody could hear my screams
Will I find someone to make me laugh?
I lay down on my bed
Thinking of all I wish I could have said
I was hurt and angry for what you've shed
I hate you and wish you bled
I know this is brutal
But what can I say? You broke my heart
All you say now will be futile
I regret one day I've called you my sweetheart
You were my friend
But when I needed you most
You left me alone to mend and to my wound tend
I was haunted by your ghost
In every mirror, reflection
Your face and your voice
I cross the wrong street, lost in my direction
But now I make my choice
You were everything to me
But you treated me wrongly
So I won't open again and I’ll be free
I'll let go of all the chains softly
So when you return,
All you'll get is scorn.
Yew, I stepped on an insect!
Oh wait, is that you?
Sorry, you are so insignificant that I didn't suspect
I'm gonna go now, I've already escaped from your web.