Madness. What does it mean to be mad?
To lose control of thyself or to be controlled by recollections?
The heart I pushed asunder comes back. A heart that in the morrow turned bad.
With it I find no directions, I feel the weight on my flesh for what I have done,
And again, and again, try as I must,
The bane of my broken bones binds my boots to the boat.
I am thrown overboard, unable to move without being by my sorrows drowned.
Madness. Is it fate, a trait? Or a choice to be made?
A choice it is, for I chose greed and my husband, I pushed around.
At night I dream of deeds, that is sin to even think, and so I try to clean the hands that to those deeds agreed.
It does not matter that I am Queen, because after all that is done, I feel no glee.
Footsteps of the dead, they follow me everywhere. Close thy eyes and begone!
And do not come back at dawn!
I am a blade dulled by grief and guilt, a blade with a sloppy hilt.
Madness... Madness…
It consumes me with sadness.
Ps: This soliloquy was a Creative Writing assignment in which I had to show my take on what Lady Macbeth must have been thinking right after Macbeth saw Banquo’s ghost. (During the dinner with the other Lords).
Reason why I chose the theme, "Madness".