New Video!
Today is the 7th of July of 2021.
It's been a long time since my last blog post, and the purpose to this one is to simply let out all of my excitement of the next video I am working on.
I am on a three day vacation adventure with both my parents and some friends. Today is the end of the first day and I have brought with me my loyal Cannon camera. I spent the whole car journey and day documenting pearls of happiness and joy. Beautiful landscapes that surrounded us on our way to Sarnia.
Well, everything I want to say about today was that it was incredible. I met new people, made new friends and met new places!
My plan with this video is to honor the exciting voyage and remind the watcher (my parents and friends) of all the good happenings they went through. There will be people other than me, so with their permission, I will publish this short movie and bring to everyone who may see it, a glimpse of my joy from a long needed vacation from the reality we are living in.
This will be the very first vacation in over 2 years, in which the earlier year we spent a weekend on New York with my cousin and uncle. Therefore, I am very happy to be here!
*Today, if I have the time and don't decide to go straight to sleep, I will start working on the first chapter of the video. Wish me luck!