Ugly Truth Coloring
Glittering sand at my feet,
Hair fluttering with the ocean breeze,
Clear blue sky above my head,
Beside me a star-fish is dead.
As good as it looks,
As beautiful as it seems,
There is always a hard truth,
To the wonders that we see.
It comes and goes,
A never ending cycle.
Laughter and running feet echoes,
Things of a past run wild.
The sun casts long shadows,
A glimpse of what’s to come.
But until then, I’ll play in the icy-cold
Of the tidal waves, I’ll jump on.
And when the orange glow turns silver,
I’ll sleep the sleep of the dead.
The nightmare, the dream unfamiliar,
That I’ll wait for the bird to shed.
Waking once again with the canary’s song,
And the rushing of the ocean,
I’ll lie in the sand,
And shield my eyes with my hand.
Once again hear the mermaids sing,
A reminder of the certainty they bring,
That every beautiful thing,
Has an ugly truth coloring.